Volunteer Screening

For the 2024 playing season, every volunteer and/or paid employee 18 years of age or older working with or for the Seaway Surge Baseball Club must have completed Volunteer Screening in order to be eligible to be insured under the Baseball Ontario liability policy.
Every volunteer will fall into one of three risk groups, as outlined below:
Risk Level 1
Volunteers who are never alone with children or Vulnerable Individuals, and only interact on the field of play in the duty to the game, for example:
- Parents, youth, or volunteers who are helping out on a non-regular or informal basis
- Programs where volunteers are never left unsupervised with Vulnerable Individuals, and activities do not include travel without the VI’s parent/guardian.
- Volunteers and employees involved with Adult Leagues (i.e. Leagues where no participants are under the age of 18)
- Umpires who are never alone with children or Vulnerable Individuals, and only interact on the field of play in the duty to the game
- Tournament personnel who are never alone with children or Vulnerable Individuals and only interact on the field of play in the duty of the tournaments
- Complete a Screening Disclosure Form
- Complete Safe Sport Module through Coaches Association of Canada
Risk Level 2
- Non-coach employees, managers or supervisors
- Directors
- Coaches or support personel of non-travelling teams
Requests for a Vulverable Sector Check or Criminal Records and Judicial Matters Check require that you upload a letter confirming your status as a volunteer with the Seaway Surge Baseball Club. If you require this letter, please enter your name and email below and a PDF version of the letter will be emailed to you.
- Complete a Screening Disclosure Form
- Complete Safe Sport Module through Coaches Association of Canada
- Complete and provide a Criminal Records and Judicial Matters Check - CRJMC (Also known as a Criminal Record Check (CRC) Level 2)
- Complete and provide a Screening Renewal Form (only for persons who have already provided a VSC or CRJMC)
Risk Level 3
- Coaches or support personnel (i.e. trainers or first aiders) who travel with athletes (travelling teams)
- Coaches or support personnel who could be alone with athletes
- Chefs de mission accompanying teams to national championships
- Umpire Leaders (Umpire In Chief, Umpire Supervisor) who work with children under the age of 18
- Baseball Ontario Umpire Clinicians
Requests for a Vulverable Sector Check or Criminal Records and Judicial Matters Check require that you upload a letter confirming your status as a volunteer with the Seaway Surge Baseball Club. If you require this letter, please enter your name and email below and a PDF version of the letter will be emailed to you.
- Complete a Screening Disclosure Form
- Complete Safe Sport Module through Coaches Association of Canada
- Complete and provide a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) if you are a new volunteer
- Complete and provide a Criminal Records and Judicial Matters Check - CRJMC (also known as a Criminal Record Check - Level 2) if your VSC is more than 3 years old
- Complete and provide a Screening Renewal Form (only for persons who have already provided a VSC or CRJMC)
- In their first year as a volunteer with the Seaway Surge, each individual 18 years of age or
older will complete screening as described above, according to their level of risk.
- When required, the police record check provided to the Surge:
• Must have been completed in the last 6 months;
• May have been obtained and used for another purpose including for an employer or other
organization with which the individual volunteers; and
• May be produced by a local police service, provincial police force, national police force or other
similarly credentialed provider.
- In their second and third year, individuals must provide an attestation to the Surge before
engaging in any volunteer activities, that to the best of their knowledge, they have not
been arrested, convicted or investigated for any criminal activity since their last police record check or
screening disclosure form was provided. This may be done using the Screening Renewal Form provided above.
- In their fourth year, a new CRC - Level 2 must be provided in accordance with the above requirements
and restart the 3-year cycle. Level 1 – Low Risk individuals to provide a new Screening Disclosure Form.
For individuals in a Level 3 – High Risk role, a VSC only ever needs to be completed once, and thereafter
a CRC - Level 2 will be required when the next screening is due in 3 years. Any returning Level 3
volunteer with a clear VSC in the past is also only required to obtain a CRC - Level 2.
If you would like to know more about Baseball Ontario's Volunteer Screening Policy, click here.