Umpire Clinics

Once again in 2022, Level 1 and 2 umpires will be required to complete a series of independent, virtual training modules in order to be certified. These modules will be available in early April.

The Seaway Surge may also organize an in-person clinic in April. More information will be coming shortly.


Level 3 Exam Year!
After Baseball Ontario's very successful virtual Level 3 SuperClinic last year, 2022 returns to being an “exam” year for Level 3 umpires following our usual three-year cycle. Level 3 umpires will:


·         complete and submit the Level 3 Umpires Exam

·         complete & submit at least 2 umpire training modules


Optional Learning:

·         review a Study Guide designated to support umpire learning and  successful exam completion

·         view a 2-Umpire Advanced Positioning training session


Level 3 registration and exam availability will begin on March 30. Level 3 umpires will register and pay directly through their profile. Baseball Ontario will send a direct communication to all level 3 eligible umpires, and will also communicate this information via the Inside Pitch online newsletter.
